

What should I bring to practice?

    • A swimsuit and a solid work ethic are the two most important things needed at a Palms Water Polo practice! Goggles are also completely acceptable, however we do our best to practice as closely to game-style scenarios as possible so they are not required.

What should I expect at practice?

    • At Palms Water Polo, we pride ourselves on teaching the fundamental skills necessary to be a successful water polo player, and highly encourage unity within all of our teams and age groups. Our trainings consist of in-depth teaching of proper body position for every aspect of the game and we do our best to translate our conditioning as closely as possible to a game scenario.

Do you offer any discounts?

    • Yes! While a single-player fee remains the same for every athlete, we do offer a $25 sibling discount on our Age Group membership. At this time, there are no discounts available for the Beginner/Developmental level.